Empress Poppaea Sabina II
67-68, AD69)
Fourth wife of Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Second wife of Emperor Marcus Otho Caesar Augustus
Nickname: Sporus
There are no certain ancient depictions of "Sporus" and most of the statues and busts of Nero's two wives called "Poppaea Sabina" were destroyed upon his fall. The majority of those that have survived are undoubtedly of the first Poppaea (his second wife), but a few may be of his fourth wife - a eunuch who was given the same name but is known to history as Sporus. As an example of the problem - the picture above shows a statue identified as "Poppaea Sabina" on display in the Olympia Archaeological Museum in Greece. The exact date of both this statue and an accompanying one of Nero is uncertain, but it's vaguely estimated to be from the "2nd half of the 1st century", which includes the wedding of Nero and Sporus in Athens in AD67.
The statue may have been
commissioned by Athens to gain favour with Nero by depicting his new wife.
This possibility is increased by the fact that the woman shown seems rather large and
even ungainly in build and height, which doesn't fit well with
surviving busts and references
to the beauty of the first Poppaea, which suggest a much slighter woman.
Also, although the right breast is clearly defined under the tunic, she
doesn't have the obvious rounded breasts that were the norm for statues
of women during this period. However, there are other alternatives, e.g. the statue may show a priestess
and the sculptor flattered
the first Poppaea by copying a hairstyle that she was shown with on Roman
Statutes and images of the Empress were effectively propaganda - depicting an idealised wife and mother whose pose, dress and appearance barely differed from one empress to the next. These were based on officially approved models - whenever there was a new emperor or empress a high priority task for the imperial household was to distribute hundreds of these across the Empire. To save time and money, it was common practice to 'update' statues and paintings of previous emperors and empresses to match the new model, a few tweaks to the hair, jawline, chin and nose often being enough to satisfy probatory. Distinguishing between the two Roman Empresses called Poppaea Sabina is particularly difficult given Sporus' facial resemblance to and subsequent imitation of the first. Applying facial recognition software to the two photos above of busts of "Poppaea Sabina" gives a high likelihood that they are of the same person. However, looking beyond the face, the bust on the right shows a lighter built woman with smaller shoulders, although the neck is proportionally a little wider. Overall, there is a reasonable probability that the left bust is of Sporus, whilst the right is of the earlier Empress Poppaea Sabina. Not that neither bust has an Adam's Apple, possibly confirming that Sporus was castrated before puberty.
In antiquity, busts and statues were often painted. This photo is a bust of 'Poppaea Sabina' that's on display at the Palazzo Massimo alle Terme. The photo has been tinted to give a better indication of how it might have originally appeared. It's almost certainly of the first Poppaea, not the second (aka Sporus). The neck is wide for a woman, and Sporus may have actually had a slimmer and longer kneck, despite being born male. This seems to be a distinguishing feature between the two empresses in busts.
This statue is described as "Empress Poppaea Sabina" and has her typical face but note the large hand, broad shoulders, and only a hint of breasts. The neck is also very different from the bust shown above. Overall, there is strong possibility that it is of Sporus.
A wall fresco from a villa near Pompeii where the first Poppaea Sabina may have once lived. Some experts identify the young woman pictured as being Poppaea whilst others claim that it is intended to show the Greek poetess Sappho, who died about BC 570. Possibly it's both - with Poppaea serving as a model for a painting of Soppho, thus flattering both her and her father who was presumably paying the artists bill. Note that the woman facially resembles but is clearly more slightly built than the Poppaea in the statue shown above.
Poppaea Sabina was renowned for her beauty and sexual attractiveness. This image has been widely used online as an illustration and it does have strong facial similarities to the villa painting that possibly shows Poppaea. However, up on investigation it seems to be intended to be image of the Greek Goddess Hera.
The second Poppaea Sabina
(aka Sporus) appears in a re-enactment of Nero's suicide in the 2017
British TV documentary series Eight Days That
Made Rome. Nero was on the run with his last four loyal
companions, and understandably she's not in the dress and regalia of an
Empress. |
The story of 'Sporus' is so extra-ordinary that some historians consider that it's fictional. But there are so many contemporary or near contemporary sources describing the events that denying that Sporus existed and was a eunuch creates far more problems than it solves. One challenge with having so many sources is that they are often contradictory - e.g., Sporus may have been born a slave, a son of a freeman or even an illegitimate child of a member of the the imperial family - all hugely different. For the purposes of brevity, I have generally adopted what seems to be the consensus view, but with the liberty of adopting a minority view or even speculating slightly myself when this seemed to better fit the overall story. This page is not intended to be a scholarly article that can withstand robust academic challenge, but rather a readable and reasonably accurate interpretation of an extraordinary story. It is clearly confusing to have two people with the same name, "Poppaea Sabina", so when I use just "Poppaea" I'm usually referring to Nero's second wife, whilst just "Sabina" means his fourth, aka Sporus.
Nero was born in AD 38 by the sister of Emperor Claudius, who adopted him as a son. Nero then married Claudius' daughter (his stepsister), Claudia Octavia, when he turned 16. This was a marriage of convenience as she always bored him. But it cemented Nero's position as the next emperor - which is exactly what occurred a few months later after the poisoning and death of Claudius in October AD 54. When the young Nero became Emperor he was initially very popular with both the army and population - but this would this slowly change to hate over his 14-year reign.
Poppaea was a very ambitious woman who had recently divorced her first husband, Rufrius Crispinus. Rufus had once been the leader of the Praetorian Guard but had since fallen out imperial favour (as Poppaea was undoubtedly aware), and would eventually be executed by Nero in AD66. They had had one child together - a boy whom Nero would also later have killed, drowned in a "fishing accident". Poppaea quickly re-married, choosing Marcus Salvius Otho, whose most attractive attribute was that he was a close friend of the Emperor. Unfortunately for Otho, he bragged about the beauty of his new wife to Nero, thus bringing her to his attention. Poppaea was soon regularly enjoying the emperor's intimate company. Nero solved the problem of an inconvenient cuckold husband by dispatching Otho to become Governor of the distant province Lusitania - modern day Portugal - in AD69. Poppaea did not accompany him and they were soon officially divorced, Otho was probably given no choice but to reluctantly consent to this. Poppaea was now Nero's official mistress, with the ultimate prize of becoming Empress within her reach.
In May, AD62, Poppaea was able to tell Nero that she was pregnant with his child. She now refused to continue just being his mistress and he resolved the situation by divorcing Claudia Octavia - an unhappy marriage at best - on the grounds that she was 'barren'. Just 12 days later Nero and Poppaea married. Nero had however underestimated the popularity of the staid and modest Octavia among the Roman population, and there were riots demanding her restoration. He barely survived the situation by fabricating evidence of Octavia's adultery and banishing her to the small island of Pandateria, where she was brutally executed and beheaded on 9 June.
In early AD 65 Poppaea became pregnant again, to the delight of Nero. Unfortunately, this would again not work out well. One night during that summer Nero returned late and probably drunk from the circus (Chariot races). An argument ensued with the angry Poppaea, and in a fit of rage Nero kicked the pregnant woman in the stomach. She died a few days later from the resulting internal injuries and pregnancy complications. Whilst bewailing Nero's wickedness, contemporary sources don't doubt his passion and even love for his dead wife. He was distraught at causing his wife's death and went into deep mourning. Poppaea was given divine honours and a state funeral - a year's worth of Arabia's incense production was supposedly burnt at her funeral. Nevertheless, the reality was that Nero still badly needed a son and heir. In early AD 66 he unexpectedly chose Statilia Messalina as his next wife - forcing her husband (with whom she had importantly born a son - proving her fertility) to commit suicide so that he could marry her. Statilia was a pleasant but docile wife who would always keep a low profile, the opposite of Poppaea!
Cassius Dio tells us:
"Nero missed her so greatly after her death that on learning of a woman who resembled her he at first sent for her and kept her; but later he caused a boy of the freedmen, whom he used to call Sporus, to be castrated, since he, too, resembled Sabina, and he used him in every way like a wife."
Sporus was handed over to Calvia Crispinilla, Nero's mistress of the wardrobe, who took care of the boy and was responsible for turning him into an Empress.
"He actually wore his hair parted, young women attended him whenever he went for a walk, he wore women's clothes and was forced to do everything else a woman does in the same way."
The Middle
In late 66AD Nero departed on famous (or notorious) 15-month long visit to Greece, where he tried (unsuccessfully) to become a renowned artist, actor and athlete. At some point in early AD 67 he encountered a teenage boy (perhaps 15 or 16 years old) who had an extra-ordinary facial resemblance to his former wife, and the advantage that he was about 20 years younger than Poppaea was at her death. Sporus' birth place and origins are unclear, but the academic concensus is that the boy was a puer delicatus or deliciae (meaning sweet, dainty) - a young sex slave who due to his exceptional beauty had been drawn to the attention of the emperor by some courtier. Assuming that like Poppaea he was very white skinned and red-haired then he was unlikely to have been Greek, and could even have been born outside the Empire, e.g. a Celt from Ireland who was purchased by Roman slave traders. The boy's true name we will also probably never know, contemporary authors always call him "Sporus", which seems to be an ironical nickname as it can be translated as "seed". The female version of the name, "Spora", is never used in any source.
Greek and Roman illustrations and statues show young spada and castrati with small breasts, and it's quite likely that Sporus had some breast growth after being castrated. Modern medical studies have found that an orchiectomy (castration) as a young teenager results in noticeable breast development in about 50% of cases. However, suggestions in modern books that Sporus and other Roman eunuchs may have been given plant-based potions that included 'estrogenic precursors' to help maintain a youthful appearance and feminise their body are no more than speculation, and these were unlikely to have any significant physical effect anyway. Theoretically the Romans could have used the ovaries of female horses (mares) and other animals as a source of oestrogen for physical feminisation, but there is no evidence that they did this. Nero declared that the castrated Sporus was now a woman, renamed her Poppaea Sabina and took her as his bride. ![]() A 19th century painting by Emilio Vasarri vaguely entitled "The Roman Wedding". When offered for sale in 1997, it was suggested that it depicted Nero marrying Sporus. The wedding was held in Athens, Greece, probably in June AD 67. Nero was on a The wedding was not a quiet event, but a full imperial wedding with traditional ceremony. Little information about what this involved has survived, but we do know that Sporus was given a dowry, wore a bridal veil, and that there was a large wedding party afterwards - attended by Senators and members of noble families. Cassius Dio says:"All the Greeks held a celebration in honour of their marriage, uttering all the customary good wishes, even to the extent of praying that legitimate children might be born to them.” Contemporary sources don't doubt the legality of the marriage contract, but there was one slight problem - Nero hadn't divorced Statilia! Roman law permitted only one wife - but Nero was the emperor and this problem was conveniently overlooked.
After their marriage Sporus became the new female head of the imperial household. She was called "Sabina" by Nero, whilst attendants and officials called her "Lady" or "Empress". She 'parted' (i.e. styled) her hair as became a Roman noblewoman, and always dressed as a woman. In public she wore the regalia and jewellery of an Empress. The quiet and innocuous Stalilia was allowed to remain as Nero's junior wife, although an indication of her reduced status is that Calvoa Crispinilla - the occupant of the important post of "Mistress of the Imperial Wardrobe" - was reassigned to Sabina.
Nero appeared to be devoted to his new wife. She accompanied him everywhere in Athens and later Rome, and he was often seen fondling and kissing her whilst they were being carried around the cities in a litter.
The End Although the Greeks and Athenians lauded the emperor as became a rich benefactor, his attempts as an actor met with little success. When the disappointed Nero returned from Greece to Rome in early AD 68, it seems that he was unaware of just how unpopular he had become, whilst Sabina's background and obvious infertility was now well known. Suetonius records: "A rather amusing joke is still going the rounds - the world would have been a happier place had Nero's father Domitius married that sort of wife."
Sulpicius Galba, the governor-general of Spain was encouraged by Marcus Otho
(Poppaea's ex-husband) to lead a revolt against Nero. The Praetorian Guard prefect Nymphidius Sabinus
then persuaded his soldiers to
also desert Nero and the end came in early June AD 68
when Nero awoke in his palace to find
that the palace guard and his attendants had all left. With just four
loyal companions remaining - interestingly including Sabina but not Statilia
- he fled to a small villa outside Rome.
The Roman Senate named
Galba the new emperor on 8 June and
declared Nero to be a public enemy. With arrest imminent he committed suicide on
9 June, comforted by Sabina in his final lamentations. Nero
allegedly asked Sabina to set him an example by committing suicide
first - but she managed to escape this fate.
The Senate officially condemned Nero’s memory - and all statues and portraiture of Poppaea Sabina were thus to be destroyed along with those of Nero.
Encore The life of the still only 18 year-old Sabina became even more extra-ordinary after the death Nero. She seems to have accepted her life as a woman called Poppaea Sabina, and there are no hints in historical sources that she/he sought to change this after Nero's death. As an ex-empress she was a very valuable prize to many important men, whilst the probable alternative of insisting that she was actually a male slave would have been easy to dismiss! The first important man to claim Sabina (although he preferred to call her Poppaea) after the death of Nera was Nymphidius Sabinus. He had apparently long been fascinated with her, and seized her whilst Nero's body still burned on a pyre. Although age 68, in quick succession he took her as his mistress and then wife. Sabinus aspired to become emperor and declared that he was a legitimate successor to Nero — a claim which he supported with the dubious assertion that he was the illegitimate son of the former emperor Caligula, plus his new marriage to the former Empress. But the Praetorian Guard was not convinced that he could beat Galba whose army was now approaching Rome - likely resulting in their own deaths - and killed him before Galba finally arrived in October.
Otho made a good start as one of his first acts as emperor was to appear before the Senate where he promised to “respect the people's sovereign will.” He reinstituted gladiatorial games (which had been banned by Nero), rewarded the officials and soldiers who had helped him overthrow Galba, and restored the fallen statures of Nero and Poppaea. Many sources (both ancient and modern) assume that Otho's wife - Poppaea Sabina - was the same woman that he had married ten years earlier. This lazy assumption is perhaps understandable given that Otho was a minor and short-lived Emperor, plus there was a lot of potential for confusion. However it was incorrect. Upon his arrival in Rome, Otho - now age 65 - had taken in the again newly widowed Sabina (aka Sporus) and despite the huge age difference treated her as being his former wife of the same name, and "had intimacy with Sporus”. Whilst ancient sources fail to describe any wedding ceremony, Otho left no one in doubt that Sabina was his wife, and later the Empress.
Sabina would enjoy being Empress again for only three months. A new usurper had emerged - Aulus Vitellius - who been appointed by Galba as the governor-general of Lower Germany only a few months earlier. Otho tried to reach a settlement with him, but instead Vitellius marched on Rome. On 14 April AD 69 the rival armies fought the Battle of Bedriacum; after bitter and bloody combat Otho's army lost and two days later he committed suicide. Vitellius continued his march on Rome, where he made a triumphal entry and was recognized as emperor by the Senate.
Vitellius decided to hold gladiatorial games to endear him to the population of Rome. He or one of his courtiers must have recollected Sabina's infamous gift of a ring to Nero so he decided that the highlight of the games would be a re-enactment of the Rape of Persephone, with Sabina playing the role of the maiden being ravished - with a brutal death very likely. Upon learning of her planned fate, Sabina committed suicide by unknown means, age just 19 or at the most 20. Vitellius quickly became notorious for his cruelty, gluttony, and huge unpaid gambling debts - and in turn would be dethroned, tortured and killed in December AD 69.
Comment Sporus must have been an extraordinary person with a gift for enchanting men and satisfying them sexually. Despite being physically a male eunuch, she was accepted as being a reborn "Poppaea Sabina" by two of her former husbands (both emperors) and another important official. None seem to have regretted their decision to marry Sabina/Sporus, brief though these marriages were.
Paintings The story of Poppaea Sabina and Sporus has attracted the interest of many artists. A few examples are below.
minor Italian film Fellini Satyricon (1969)
is set in the Rome of Nero.
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Last updated: 4 May, 2021