Many of the photos used in this article are of transgender women who are
genetically XY. They have benefited immensely
from medical procedures and treatments such as hormone therapy that
weren't even science fiction a 100 years ago.
![]() Physical beauty in a woman may not be everything, but for good or bad it's certainly very important. Would Prince Charming have asked Cinderella for a dance and fallen in love with her if she had not been the most beautiful girl at the ball? The honest answer is probably "No". Psychological studies show that men still rank physical beauty the highest among a long list of attributes that they seek in women. The phrase "I love you for your beauty" is hardly likely to be heard from the lips of a man in these politically correct days, but it is nevertheless often true, at least in the earliest stages of a relationship. A wonderful mind and personality is great, but sometimes - like Cinderella - you also need to be beautifull create the initial opening.
The immense amount of time and money that the average women spends on maintaining or improving her physical appearance has been given many justifications, but "I just like to look my best" is very close to "I just like to look beautiful". It can be reasonably claimed that the continuing lust for physical beauty is more appropriate to the Stone Age than to the modern Internet Age. The qualities that men find alluring in a woman may be powerful emblems of her health, fertility and resistance to disease, but they say nothing about her moral and intulectual worth. However, whilst the valuing of physical beauty may cause emotional pain and considerable injustice, it does not prevent its continued worship - as a brief perusal of any magazine stand will prove. The increasing number of lawsuits involving claimed discrimination on the basis of looks have made little impact to our attitude, nor have the best efforts of some feminist pressure groups to stop the supposed exploitation of women's body's (e.g. beauty contests) - indeed it can be argued that advances in cosmetics, plastic surgery and a constant media bombardment have increased the pressure on women to be "beautiful".
We might be in the 21st century but the brutal reality is that deep down most women know that their appearance and attractiveness to men (i.e. their beauty) matters ... and sometimes matters a lot. Historically (i.e. since the evolution of Homo Sapiens) there has almost always been more adult women than adult men - the dangers of hunting, warfare, travel, feuds, etc. killing many men in their prime. For a woman, finding a man who was able and willing to look after her was desperately important matter. Being more beautiful than your peers often meant the difference between a long and even luxurious life - and destitution, starvation and an early death. When a girl reached puberty in her early teens, the race to find a suitable husband became furiously competitive even if he was many years older. In the middle ages, by 20 she was no longer be considered to be young or a serious contender for an eligible beau, and faced a bleak future.
Even today, being beautiful definitely has practical advantages - for example one survey suggests that pretty, tall and slim women earn about 15% more than their more dowdy, shorter and fatter counterparts. It is perhaps not surprising that women discuss the appearance and beauty of [other] women at least as much as men do, and far more brutally and critically.
For many women, a concern about their looks is not just an important part of being female, but a fundamental of being themselves. Most mothers enjoy and take great pride in dressing up their daughters from the earliest age with make-up, hair accessories, jewellery and dresses. A young girl can expect to get more compliments on her appearance than anything else, and soon learns the rewards of looking pretty and being considered beautiful - all of which is reinforced by Cinderella type stories.
It's relevant to this site to point out that a transsexual male-to-female woman who transitions as an adult lacks this lengthy childhood beautification "training". She thus faces an enormous challenge in developing as quickly as possible her female orientation, appearance and presentation - something which other women have been doing since their birth. This is a great disadvantage, and makes successful "passing" as a woman far more difficult, particularly in the first months after full-time transition.
(Above Left) An interesting graphic from 1930 favourably comparing the physique of a popular 20 year-old actress (Anita Page) against an ideal woman derived from the best parts of other leading actresses of the day. These days, a model agency would immediately reject her as being far too short (64 inches) and too rounded (aka fat at 118 lbs). (Above Middle) Gisele Bundchen - the top female model of the first decade of the 2000's - weighs only a little more at about 125lbs but is 5 inches taller than Anita at 69 inches. (Above Right) Moving in to the 2010's, Andreja Pejic (a transwoman) is another 4 inches taller at 73 inches, and slightly heavy for a super model at 150lbs. An analysis of the top 100 female models in 2016 gives an average height of 71 inches (180 cm) and an unhealthily low weight of just 120 lbs (55kg). The promotional agency TSM published in 2017 a report stating that the average height of its 30,000 female models (95% under age 32) was 67 inches and that their average weight was 114lbs. It also states that over the last 20 years the average breast cup size of its female models had increased from B to DD!
It is important to realise that women pragmatically use a different set of criteria when selecting a man to father her children, and the man will support her and her children. The men are often not the same, as DNA tests are increasingly proving both for both modern and historical liaisons (the accepted family trees of some royal families has become very problematic).
correlates the physical attraction of human males to a set of basic
physical features in human females, regardless of culture.
These include:
Whilst sexual equality may be vogue, the medical evidence is that the two predominant genetic (XX and XY) sexes are drifting ever further apart in their physical appearance. Women are evolving to appear ever more beautiful and youthful - and evolving far more rapidly than men. Men are not evolving towards the model of masculine beauty at the same rate as women because an ugly but rich and high-status man can be successful in attracting a good quality female mate. A statistical analysis of "beautiful" Hollywood couples shows that their first child is 67% more likely to be a girl than a boy - nature somehow seizing the chance to maximise the birth of child of the sex for whom beauty is the more important. It's quite possible that in another hundred generations of evolution, the average 35 year-old woman will have the looks and figure of a top 20 year-old model today - and without the surgery. But by then the standard for beauty will have changed so much that Marilyn Monroe would be considered short, fat and ugly.
A common finding in studies is that males prefer females who are young, strong and healthy - but above all who are fertile and at the peak of their reproductive potential. A woman's ability to bear children is dependent upon her age and hormone levels. A woman is at her reproductive peak around the age of 20, this starts to decline dramatically in the late 20's and will halve by age 35. Even with the support of modern medicine (HRT, IVF, ...), a pregnancy over age 45 is exceptional. In one cross-cultural survey, men in all 37 of the societies examined preferred younger wives, on average around 2½ years younger than the male. And as males get older, they prefer mates who are increasingly younger. There is actually a natural selection war going on here - the male eye and mind has become astonishingly good at subconsciously picking up the first signs of aging in a young woman - whilst the woman attempts to avoid giving out these signs.
![]() The male face evolves and ages steadily from the mid-teens to late 20's. Despite the changes described above, the "well cared for" female face actually alters far less during this age period. It seems that the female body works hard to maintain a youthful and attractive facial appearance when it's still very fertile. Compared with men, facial changes are both slow and modest until fertility starts to decline substantially. The 30th birthday is thus a traumatic time for many women as she looks in to the mirror and suddenly no longer see's back a young girl but rather a maturing woman - her lips have shrunk, the first wrinkles have appeared, fine lines have appeared at the corner of her eyes, and some sagging skin has appeared. Even worse, she knows that others will have already seen these signs.
Genetics also plays a part in ageing. As melanin protects the skin from wrinkling, the people who are likely to show their age most quickly are freckly redheads, who have less melanin than others. Good luck as regards genes, combined with a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can delay things, but by age 30 at the very latest, even a supermodel will lose the allure of youthfulness when unaided by cosmetics, surgery and supporting garments.
With the
help of such artificial aids most women seek the appearance of eternal youth
- but at great and ever increasing cost in time and money. The average
American woman spends nearly one hour a day (two or even three hours isn't
uncommon) on beauty care and maintaining her appearance:- bathing, makeup,
hair, nails, depilating, massage, exercising, selecting her attire, etc.
Symmetry A key aspect to physical attractiveness is symmetry; humans, like other species, show a strong preference for individuals whose right and left sides are well matched. John Manning of Liverpool University has reports that symmetrical men have higher quality sperm, with fewer deformed ones in the mix. He claims that symmetry is like nature’s black box - it tells you all you need to know about someone’s genetic history.
For both men and women, greater symmetry predicts a larger number of past sex partners, and a 1994 study found that the most symmetrical males had not only had more off-spring than their most lopsided brethren, but started having sex three to four years earlier! Also, a survey of 86 couples found that women with highly symmetrical partners were more than twice as likely to climax during intercourse (an event that may foster conception by ushering sperm into the uterus) than those with low-symmetry partners. Studies
show that highly symmetrical people are healthier, grow faster, and are
better able to survive, while low symmetry has been linked to schizophrenia,
mental retardation, birth pre-maturity and left-handedness. Facial
symmetry is certainly associated with health. After analysing diaries
kept by 100 students over a two-month period, researchers found that
the least symmetrical had the most physical complaints, from insomnia
to nasal congestion, and reported more anger, jealousy and withdrawal.
Neotenous Female Face
Men see as beautiful in women the residual child-like facial features that are influenced by the presence of the female hormone oestrogen, or perhaps more correctly the absence of features that would be induced by the high levels of male androgen hormones such as testosterone - which may obliquely indicate low fertility. Such oestrogenized features (large eyes, high cheek bones, small nose, small chins, full lips, short eye-chin distance etc.,) are regarded as being very attractive and may be seen as an indicator of youth and female fertility, and hence reproductive potential. No one claims that a fine jaw reveals a woman's exact odds of getting pregnant, but like her breasts and figure it might imply that she could and is worth a male investing in her as a potential mating partner. One study demonstrated that male volunteers not only consciously prefer women with small lower faces, but also have marked rises in subconscious brain activity when looking at pictures of them!
Whilst not physically observable, a woman’s voice has always been considered to be a strong indicator of her beauty. The voices of Adele, Jennifer Rush, Gloria Estefan and Marianne Faithfull regularly top surveys in women magazines of the most desired female voice, and all can be considered to be very beautiful women.
The conclusion is that the attractiveness of a women’s voice is positively correlated with the actual attractiveness of her face. Further, it was found that a higher-pitched female voice is judged to be younger and, hence, more attractive. The large sums of money that some transwomen spend on voice training and even risky vocal feminisation surgery is perhaps justified.
Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR)
Before puberty and after menopause, females have essentially the same waistlines as males. But during puberty waves of sex hormones start circulating in the body, high levels of the male hormone testosterone cause boys to amass in their upper body the bone and muscle of Stone Age hunters, while a high concentration of oestrogen in the female body results in the typical girl gaining nearly 35 pounds of so called reproductive fat deposited on the hips and thighs, rather than on the waist. Those pounds contain roughly the 80,000 calories needed to sustain a pregnancy, and the curves they create provide a gauge of reproductive potential. Devendra Singh, a University of Texas psychologist notes "You have to get very close to see the details of a woman's face, but you can see the shape of her body from 500 feet, and it says more about mate value.".
Studies have found a strong link between the male fascination for Barbie doll curves (or small waist to hip ratios) in women and a higher disposition of fertility and health. This male preference for women with an oestrogenized small WHR has sound scientific reasons.
A woman's WHR is a good indicator of her reproductive status. A female with a more hourglass figure is more fertile and healthier than non-curvaceous or high WHR woman. Almost anything that interferes with fertility - obesity, malnutrition, pregnancy, menopause - changes a woman's shape. Healthy, fertile women typically have waist-hip ratios of 0.6 to 0.8, meaning their waists are 60 to 80 percent the size of their hips, whatever their actual weight. To take one familiar example, a 36-24-36 figure would have a WHR of 0.67.
Many women outside this range are healthy and capable of having children, of course. But researchers in the Netherlands discovered in a 1993 study that even a slight increase in waist size relative to hip size can signal reproductive problems. Among 500 women who were attempting in vitro fertilization, the odds of conceiving during any given cycle declined by 30 percent with every .1 increase in WHR. In other words, a woman with a WHR of 0.9 was nearly a third less likely to get pregnant than one with a WHR of 0.8, regardless of her age or weight. WHR also signals health status as the incidence of certain diseases (diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, strokes, etc.) vary with body fat distribution - a high WHR indicates a greater propensity to have such problems. In 2007, a study by a team of Cambridge mathematicians found that it is the ratio between hips and waist that also puts a sexy sway into a woman's walk - and the nearer the ratio is to 0.7 the better. This ratio provides the body with just the right torso strength to produce a more angular swing and bounce to the hips during the walking motion. After studying various famous women, they concluded that the walk of actress Jessica Alba beat off rivals such as Kate Moss and even Marilyn Monroe, whose sashy along a railway platform in Some Like It Hot is one of the most famous in film history. While Monroe was a fraction off the target ratio, Alba with a 25in waist and 36in has the perfect proportions for a sexy walk.
Given the
availability of such a revealing signal as WHR, it is not surprising that
men respond by observing a woman's figure and consciously or unconsciously
using it to infer her potential mating value. Men 'biologically'
prefer curvy women with a pronounced hourglass figure, since these physical
features of a woman are often associated with high fertility and good
Film star Marilyn Monroe, 5ft 5in
tall, her "hour glass" 34/22/35 figure is
extenuated by her relatively short stature.
It is perhaps unsurprising to find that the voluptuous but 'wasp' waisted Marilyn Monroe has nearly perfect proportions for men. Her weight and vital statistics fluctuated during her 20's and 30's, but her waist ratio was consistently close to 0.65 of her bust and hips. Interestingly, women in the U.S., when asked to rate female figures toward the "ideal," consistently choose thinner figures than their male counterparts.
Western women are bombarded by magazine articles, advertising images and television programmes (e.g. The Next Top Model) encouraging them to diet and exercise almost to extremis in order to be beautiful - items often scripted by other women. It would seem that the current trend for girls to diet until they become seriously underweight is more due to peer pressure from other women than from men. Indeed, emaciated women are likely to be unhealthy and infertile, and thus offer little attraction to men seeking to mate - surviving an eating disorder (or a famine) is one of the most common causes of female infertility. At the point where a woman drops below 5 percent total body fat, her body begins to cannibalise the less important organs for nourishment, including reproductive tissue. It's unfortunately no coincidence that many 'coat hanger' models and stick-thin actresses have difficulty having children. It's no coincidence that the 2000's have seen a huge surge
in transgender (male-to-female) models. They are above average height
for a woman, whilst a near-starvation diet results in a boyish and very slim
build that is a designer's delight, and ideal for the catwalk. Dozens,
if not hundreds, of transwomen are working professionally as models in
Europe alone - they effectively trump young cis women who were hoping to
have modelling career. Women are far more likely than men to consider
these transwomen as being "beautiful", but possibly a general redefinition
of female beauty is taking place - with fertility indicators such as the WHR
becoming less
and Buttocks
Archaeology seems to show that 20,000 years ago Stone Age men strongly favoured women with voluptuous breasts and prominent buttocks - which experts think were associated with wealth, health and a good diet. It appears that for many thousands of years men looking for a partner disliked skinny women and instead competed for females that are now disparagingly called "plus size". The perceived attractiveness and mating advantage of women with generous buxom and buttocks has almost certainly resulted in a steady increase in these features over the generations - in the fierce heat of evolution's "survival of the fittest", their size and shape has moved from a physical reproductive necessity to exaggerated exhibitionism that will help attract a good mate. For
example, only one-third of a female woman's breast tissue is
associated with milk production - the rest is merely fatty tissue.
Indeed, a large buxom is actually a survival handicap to a woman, but it's
also a symbol to men that she must be healthy and fit in order to be able to
afford to carry such an unnecessary overhead. A female becomes very aware of her buxom and its effect on men as she steps out of her adolescence and attains youth. A girl gets rapid body changes between about 12 and 14 years of age - puberty - and her breasts start showing. Between about age 14 and 18 her breasts become fully rounded, but are still pert and firm, and they reach their peak in attractiveness. However, sometimes their growth is stunted due to hormonal imbalance, congenital defects, or deficiency of nourishing diet - this reducing the girl's attractiveness as a mate. After 18 the breasts gradually start sagging and lose their tautness from the effects of gravity, increasing age, and (as appropriate) illness, pregnancy, breast feeding, irregular menstruation, and eventually the menopause. A similar process
applies to buttocks - their attractiveness to men peaks in a girl's late
teens, thereafter they slowly become less firm and smooth. Girls in
their thirties often start to experience unsightly skin dimpling - cellulite
- this condition is related to the hormone oestrogen. Whilst cellulite
is rare in men, transwomen who have been taking oestrogen for years will also
start suffering from it. Shapely breasts and buttocks are a gift of nature to a young woman, by far the best way of maintaining these in the best possible condition through the 20's, 30's and beyond is regular exercise and a good diet. The use of well-fitting brassieres to support the breasts from their developmental years was for a long time strongly recommended, however the medical profession has reached the opinion that bra's actually do little to preserve the shape and firmness of young breasts. Natural aging and heredity characteristics are the primary contributors to eventual breast sagging. The main reasons for wearing a bra are thus social pressure (women wear a bra!), improved appearance (cleavage), personal comfort, and avoiding various problems when playing energetic sports. If all else fails, plastic surgery is an option that can dramatically improve a young woman's bust and buttocks, or help to roll-back the years for an older woman.
2 of "Female Physical Beauty"....
Last updated: 21 March 2007