(Part 1)
When I published the first version of this article in 1999 it was based on limited research and I was amazed at the extensive comments and feedback it immediately received. Elements of the article were clearly not quite accurate or complete, and by 2004 it was significantly changed and expanded. However, updates thereafter have been limited. |
It is vital to realise that a transwoman should not even consider breast augmentation until she has been on hormone therapy for at least two years. This is absolutely essential to maximise natural breast growth and potential pocket expansion, i.e. the volume of tissue and skin available to accommodate the implant.
Despite begining hormones at the start of
her puberty (a critical
period) Kim had
only modest breast
development during her teens. Nevertheless she stated in October 2012, age 20, "I
am an A cup ... and will never get implants". Although her
natural breast size continued to slowly increase to a 34B, a successful attempt in 2017 to relaunch her musical career and break into the American music market coincided with her having breast
augmentation surgery. The slightly built singer (168cm tall,
65kg weight) then suddenly metamorphosed from a rather flat chested girl to a well-endowed
32D pop princess
whose now prominently displayed breasts are often barely constrained by
her tops. Clearly Kim (or her advisors) ultimately considered her breast
development to be unsatisfactory, despite
her being on female hormones
If the woman is already past puberty when she starts hormonal treatment, the resulting breast development is likely to range from satisfactory to very disappointing. However even in the latter case modern push-up bras and breast enhancing bra inserts costing in total under €/$50 can still do wonders appearance wise. Also, since the late 1990's the internet has been awash with the sale of silicone breast forms, prosthesis and breast plates - that can create create a visually substantial bust and cleavage, particularly in poor light such as in a night club.
augmentation should thus not be an automatic choice given the costs and risks
always associated with any surgery. However, most transwomen eventually seek augmentation mammoplasty (breast implants), 50-60% is commonly quoted in research papers. A Dutch study of 200 transsexual women found that they usually sought a distinctly "feminine figure" and that two-thirds had had breast augmentation - in some instances repeatedly if the initial augmentation had not been outspoken enough! In some countries transsexual women form a non-trivial proportion of the total breast augmentation market. For example, according to the BAAPs, about 10,000 breast augmentation operations are undertaken in the UK per year. The NHS performs about 100 breast augmentations per year on male to female transsexuals, and a much larger number are privately funded. Perhaps 2-3% of all breast augmentations in the UK are performed on genetic men - predominantly transsexual women and shemale prostitutes, but also intersex women, drag artists, a few homosexuals and transvestites, and on at least one occasion a man just doing it to win a bet!
Very few transwomen achieve the
"perfect shape" from hormones alone, the vast majority suffer from one
or more
As shown in the photos below, the majority of augmented transwoman have nipples that are positioned too high and outward facing.
What is Breast Augmentation?While it can vary over time and with fashions, the perfect breast will always be symmetrically balanced and proportionate to the rest of the body. Breast augmentation, technically known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman's breast by inserting an implant behind each breast. The usual goal of breast augmentation is to achieve the most beautiful and natural looking breasts possible - although some women do not always desire a natural look!
To create an aesthetic and symmetrically balanced breast using implants to enhance them is not an easy task. However breast augmentation is a very well established and straightforward procedure that is capable of producing excellent results - it's certainly no secret that many top models and actresses have had breast augmentation. Excessively large implants or poor-quality surgery make the breast augmentation very obvious, indeed it is important to emphasise that breast augmentation is always detectable via scaring, shape, appearance, movement and/or feel. Good quality surgery, an appropriate implant size, and a well-fitting bra will often result in a clothed appearance that (even with a low-cut top) that is indistinguishable from any woman with natural breasts, and is totally passable. The very best augmentation results are hard to identify even when the transwoman is wearing a skimpy bikini top, however some problems are almost certain to become obvious visible if she then makes the next step of going topless. Unclothed, augmentation is impossible to hide from an intimate partner.
Anyone considering breast augmentation must take in to account that it is a fairly significant surgical procedure and that complications often result (as shown below). Also, breast implants have a finite life and need to be replaced at the end of this - in the 1990's this being typically after 7-12 years. The only slight positive is that recovery from a replacement procedure tends to be a shorter and less painful period than from the initial augmentation procedure. Whilst breasts implant still usually have an approved life of 10 years, in practice it modern and high-quality implants (particularly of the "gummy bear" design) can last 20 years or more. A 2011 FDA report found that only one in five women needed replacement breast implants within ten years for medical reasons such as capsular contraction, implant wrinkling, hard lumps appearing round the implant or, probably the most serious event - rupture of the implant. As such, a transwoman having breast implants in her 20's may need only two replacements in her lifetime.
Differences Between Cis Women and Transwoman
![]() Transwoman Alison Faraday proudly displaying the results of her breast augmentation surgery in her early 20's. (UK) Disappointingly, despite the high demand, very few surgeons performing breast augmentation cater properly for transsexual women and their special needs and desires, and those that do often charge excessively. Coon et al. (2020) examined a group of 59 transwomen patients evaluated for breast augmentation surgery, 36 of whom went on to receive this surgery. The authors observe that this surgery “is atypical in that the majority of cases are likely not performed by surgeons who perform a high volume of gender surgery”, and so these surgeons may not have experience with discerning which techniques are most suitable to transwomen. Whilst there are many similarities between the breast augmentation of a cis-woman and that of a transwoman, surgeons also face several significant differences. 1. The average transwoman is physically larger than the average cis-woman, including a broader chest. Thus, breasts of an average size and volume for a cis-woman often appear small and excessively spaced on a transwoman. 2. The average transwoman has less breast tissue than the average cis-woman. This makes it more difficult to insert implants without them being obvious and complications arising such as bottoming due to a lack of surrounding tissue. 3. The areola of transwoman tend to be small, making it difficult or even impossible for the surgeon to use the popular and proven periaerealor incision technique. 4. The breasts of transwomen generally have thicker and less elastic skin than cis women. The implants are thus likely to be overly prominent and the breast will lack a natural fall - particularly when the woman is lying on her back. The later point is partly genetic, but other differences are more important. A cis-woman seeking breast augmentation will have probably have completed her puberty many years earlier, even decades ago. Since then, the skin of her breasts will have been repeatedly stretched and then relaxed due to her menstrual cycles, and probably pregnancies and breast feeding. By contrast many transwomen request breast augmentation as soon as they complete a two- or three-year long oestrogen induced female puberty. Whilst their breast development may often be modest, the covering skin is nevertheless still taught and stretching for the first time.
Some of these differences are described in more detail below.
Breast ShapeFor an understanding of breast implants, it's important to first consider how a breast gets and maintains its shape. The female breast is made up of fatty, glandular and fibrous tissues. Within it are blood vessels, milk ducts, fat, glands and sensory nerves. A layer of fat surrounds the breast to give it a soft consistency and contour. Beneath the breast there is the pectoralis major, a large muscle that assists in arm movement.
Women's breasts vary greatly in both size and shape. It's also important to note that a woman's left and right breasts (be her cis or trans) are not a mirror image, they always differ in size and shape. This can range from almost imperceptable to the substantial - e.g. a cup size difference. The size of the breasts is determined by the amount of breast tissue and fat present in them. The actual shape of the breast is determined by the shape of the skin envelope, not by the shape of breast tissue within that envelope. The breast tissue acts as a "filler" which is shaped by the skin envelope; if it were removed from the envelope it has no shape of its own. Hence, the basic shape of a breast following augmentation will be similar, but with a fuller volume, than before the procedure. The shape is also affected by factors such as age, genetics and skin elasticity. The shape of the breasts of agenetic women can also change dramatically because of pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Breast cleavage is largely produced by a bra. Very few breasts naturally point directly forward off the chest wall, the usual breast position being slightly "down and out" with little apparent cleavage. Without a bra, the upper profile of the breast in a side view is usually straight, regardless of the size of the breast. Excessive outward bulging with an outwardly curving contour in the upper breast is a tell-tale sign of excessive augmentation. The space between the breasts also varies widely from woman to woman, but it is generally on the large size for transsexual women due to their above average rib cage size combined with below average breast size. Beautiful Breasts
It's Not
All About Size
transsexual women tend to think only in terms of their
bra cup size when considering their breasts and breast augmentation.
For instance, if they're a 36A after hormone treatment, then their main
concern may simply be becoming a 36C bra size after augmentation.
Implants indeed
add volume to the total breast tissue and the larger the desired cup
size, the larger the volume (measured in "cc's") of the implant.
However, breast augmentation is not just about bigger breasts; it's
about shape and balance. The real goal of augmentation
surgery is to have beautiful and attractive (sexy!) breasts. Beautiful
breasts come in all sizes cup size is not the only
consideration. There should also be concerns about breast
shape, proportions and overall body figure. There are many
factors that are the basis for determining "beautiful" breasts.
Whilst surgeons
half-heartedly say that it is not all about size, many of their patients
clearly disagree. Half of all breast augmentation patients want
breasts of a D or DD/E size - about 650cc total volume. In the
typical transsexual women this correlates to implants of roughly 400cc -
a very substantial and hard to disguise implant given the lack of
existing breast growth. Nevertheless, every woman has a different body shape which should influence the contours of the enhanced breast. Different breasts and body contours will determine the size and style of the implant and in some cases the location of the incision as well. Slope Breast width is an especially important dimension because it determines how much cleavage there is between the breasts. Breast width also determines the outside curve of the breasts, which helps balance the hips and narrow the waist.
Size Two Points of View
Even after considering professional advice, the reality is that
what many transsexual women desire and regard as "beautiful
breasts" is not what their surgeon (or indeed a photographer of
topless models) would regard as "beautiful breasts", or least the
best and most natural looking achievable for the woman. For
every girl seeking small implants (perhaps just 100cc) and
hopefully almost undetectable implants to help fill out her
breasts to at least a modest size for her build, there is another
seeking large implants (over 500cc) and obviously unnatural
looking breasts - Pamela Anderson in her heyday being an ideal.
One common problem is that all too often girls who have the least
natural development, and thus are most unsuited for large implants, are
the one's seeking the largest augmentation. To avoid
unnecessary dissatisfaction and repeated surgery, the British
Association of Plastic Surgeons sagely advises its members: "For a
male-to-female transsexual patient to appreciate the outcome of
augmentation mammaplasty, the surgeon should tolerate and address this
patient's urge for a distinctly feminine breast configuration."
Transsexual girls wanting very large implants (over 1000cc is not
unusual) face great problems finding a reputable surgeon willing to
perform the procedure.
Different surgeons, depending upon their preferences and prior
experiences, perform the breast augmentation procedure
differently. Also, the method of inserting and positioning
the implant will depend on the patients' anatomy and the desired
size and shape of breast. /font>
Breast augmentation by a transsexual women is usually undertaken
in order provide the largest and most beautiful and
natural looking breasts possible
After surgery, breasts appear fuller and more natural in tone
and contour. The scars will fade with time but won't disappear
completely. While breast augmentation will reliably make the breasts larger, it will
not change the underlying basic shape of the breasts, a factor that may
vary significantly from patient to patient. The shape
of the breasts after implant enlargement or augmentation mammaplasty is
mostly determined by the breast shape before surgery, the post-op
augmented breasts will generally appear to be a larger version of the
original breasts. A careful examination of the woman is thus very
important since her physical characteristics will have a great bearing
on the final shape of the enlarged breast. Factors determining
the augmented breast appearance include the shape and symmetry of the
ribcage and muscles, the shape and depth of the breastbone, the volume
of the existing breasts, and the character of the existing breast skin.
The position and symmetry of the existing breast folds and nipples, and
the woman's height and weight also have a significant impact on the
achievable appearance.
degree of breast asymmetry is normal, volume and size differences of the
breasts often can be corrected by implant volume adjustments, for
example as saline filler is added is added to saline implants.
But often it is not possible to correct many of the asymmetries that are
commonly seen, such as different heights of nipples or infra-mammary
folds. Types of Implant All
breast implants have an outer pliable envelope enclosing either a liquid
(usually saline) or soft-solid gel like substance (usually silicone
gel). The surface of the implants has traditionally been
smooth to the touch, but now there is another option, a textured
surface. To
help meet each woman's individual needs, various sizes and shapes of
implant are available. Some are specifically intended to benefit
transsexuals with rather large upper-body proportions - most transsexual
women have 'male-sized' ribcages and tend to have their natural breasts
located somewhat further apart than on a natural-born XX woman, this
makes the breasts look subjectively smaller and lacking a well-defined
cleavage. Shaped implants can remedy this situation by adjusting
the shape of the breasts to produce a subjectively larger cleavage. A breast implant is essentially a silicone elastomer shell - a
rubber-like membrane or envelope. To achieve fullness and create
the most natural breast-like feeling possible, this shell is filled with
some suitable material - but finding a material that exactly but safely
duplicates the feel and movement of breast tissue has been a long
running challenge. Currently, the vast majority of implants are
either silicone gel or saline filled; however some other fillings have
recently appeared. Silicone gel filled implants were the most common type for some 30
years but have been avoided in the USA since the early 1990's due to
unproven but suspicious health problems associated with the gel.
Saline implants are considered to be totally safe and are now usually
preferred, but unfortunately they give a less natural feel than silicone
gel. Saline implants are currently (2001) the only type approved
by the
Food and Drug Administration for use in the USA, although
silicone gel implants are still available in
special circumstances. Other alternatives to silicone gel
include hydrogel and plant oil filled implants have been recently
developed, but their long term safety is still unproven, for example the
Medical Devices Agency advises against these fillings,
recommending only silicone gel or saline implants.
Silicone Gel Filled Implants Silicone gel implants were first developed in the early
1960s after it was discovered that injections of silicone, which had
previously been used for breast enlargement, could lead to unacceptable
complications. Silicone gel has an excellent texture as a filling
material because it is soft and pliable and allows for very natural breast
feel and movement.
Initially capsule contracture was a major problem with silicone gel
implants, but the incidence rate is however much reduced with the latest
implant types. Silicone implants do interfere with the standard
mammography techniques, but this can usually be overcome by informing
the radiologist about the presence of the implant so he or she can alter
the technique to obtain the optimum result ("Eklund Distraction
Technique"). Leakage or bleed of free silicone gel from the implant into the breast,
or elsewhere, may cause silicone granulomas to form. These are
lumps of inflammatory tissue around small amounts of silicone.
These lumps can often mimic the lumps which indicate breast cancer, but
these silicone granulomas are not cancer and do not appear to increase
the risk of cancer. There has been no evidence that silicone gel
is related to connective tissue disease. In fact, silicone appears
to be one of the most inert materials known. However, the
perceived - but not proven - safety concerns have stopped the
unrestricted use of silicone gel implants in the USA, the Food and
Drug Administration has
their use since April 1992. There is no sign of this ban being
reversed despite many recent in-depth
clearing silicone gel implants of any cancer risk, and the fact that many
countries, including the United Kingdom, continue to permit their use. An
Independent Review Group sponsored by the UK Government undertook a
detailed study of silicone gel breast implants in 1998-2000 and their
There is no histopathological or conclusive immunological evidence
for an abnormal immune response to silicone from breast implants in
There is no epidemiological evidence for any link between silicone
gel breast implants and any established connective tissue disease.
If there is a risk of connective tissue disease, it is too small to
be quantified. The IRG cannot justify recommending further
epidemiological studies to investigate this hypothesis.
Good evidence for the existence of atypical connective tissue
disease or undefined conditions such as ‘silicone poisoning’ is
lacking. It is possible that other conditions such as low-grade
chronic infection may account for some of the non-specific illnesses
noted in some women with silicone gel breast implants.
Saline Filled Implants Recently fixed-volume prefilled saline implants have become available,
but most saline implants are inserted uninflated and then filled when in
place, before removing the valve and closing the incision. This
technique has the significant advantage over silicone gel implants
(which are always pre-filled) that the incision the implant is inserted
through can be much smaller (typically 2-3cm, against 4-5cm). Also,
the surgeon can adjust the filling level for a best appearance,
including adding different amounts to the two implants to help correct
any breast size difference. Most
surgeons and patients are of the opinion that silicone gel implants have
a more breast like feel when compared with saline filled implants, which
feel a little "watery" and firmer, and fall less naturally.
However saline implants do have the advantages over silicone gel of less
capsule contracture, smaller incisions required, and an overall
reputation of greater safety. Both textured silicone and saline
implants experience rippling, but in general saline implants ripple more
and are more palpable, i.e. they can be felt and detected by feel more
easily. Another major problem with saline implants is the leakage
and deflation rate, which seems to be about 50% over a period of 10
years. In a matter of hours or days of a rupture the breast will
become totally flat again.
Double Lumen Implants (Combinations of Silicone and Saline)
Hydrogel Filled Implants Used
in many areas of medicine for such devices as replacement tendons and
arterial transplants, hydrogels are believed to be safe and completely
biocompatible. In fact, most of our body tissue is made up
of naturally occurring hydrogels. In the event of leakage or
rupture, the body will safely absorb the implant content. In
December 2000 the Medical Devices Agency of the United Kingdom issued a
safety warning against the use of the popular Hydrogel breast
implants manufactured by Poly Implant Prosthesis (PIP). The MDA's
review has identified that the manufacturer's (only one brand has been
used in the UK) biological safety assessment of this product in
inadequate, due to the lack of long-term toxicity data or clinical
follow-up, together with methodological flaws in some of the
pre-clinical tests.
PVP-Hydrogel Filled Implants There
are two styles of PVP-filled implants: prefilled and inflatable.
Like other implants, PVP-filled implants all have a textured silicone
elastomer shell.
Plant Oil Filled Implants One of
these new type implants, called Trilucent, contains triglyceride, an oil
from soya beans that has been used for 40 years as a nutrient in
intravenous feeding and as a drug carrier in injections. The
manufacturers of Trilucent believe, the vegetable oil can be metabolised
and excreted by the body like saline, but that it is also resistant to
bacterial and fungal contamination whereas saline is not. Its
lubricating properties also means that it should not rub the inside
surface of the implant; this has been linked to leakage's in
conventional implants. However, in June 2000 the Medical Devices
Agency of the United Kingdom issued a
safety warning against Trilucent breast implants because of health
concerns and recommended their removal. There is no evidence of
any serious medical problems but tests have shown that material produced
if the oil breaks down in the body could potentially cause cancer or
damage to a foetus.
Requires special approval from the Therapeutic Goods Administration on
an individual patient use basis. Strict criteria on use. Implants come in two shapes: "Round" - The majority of breast augmentations use implants of this
form. "Anatomical" - A shaped implant contoured to resemble the
shape of the breast of a woman in vertical position. Round
implants tend to provide more upper breast fullness while anatomical
implants are contoured or tear-drop shape so they tend provide less
upper breast fullness because the top of the implant is shaped and
sloped more like a natural breast.
Most breast implants are round (below left) or anatomical
(below right). The shape of the implants will affect the shape
of the augmented breasts.
Both types of implants increase breast size. The girl or
woman can
usually select the type depending on the look and outcome she wants to achieve.
main advantages of an anatomical implant over a round implant are: It
is not as wide as a round implant and therefore does not go out
under the arm as much. It
is filled tighter than round implants thus maintaining the fullness
in the upper parts of the breast, even in the upright position. This
is made possible due to its anatomical shape. Folds and ripples and wrinkles are less common than in textured
round implants. The overall shape is improved. In
some women it may improve the balance between the breasts and hips,
creating an overall hip-slimming effect and a more desirable figure. However, many transsexual women prefer the very prominent
breasts that result from having large round implants - as Pamela Anderson iconically demonstrated after having round breast implants before starring in the
1990's TV series Baywatch. Also, one medical study controversially concluded that the
natural appearance sought by women having anatomical implants is
achieved just as well by round implants. The study demonstrated that when a
round implant is imaged within the breast in a woman who is standing,
the implant takes on the same anatomical shape as the anatomical
implant. The study also found that when lying down, the round
implant is actually more natural in appearance than the anatomical because this retains its teardrop shape in this position, whereas a
round implant can droop because the filling is under less
pressure. Overall, it would seem that for at least some women, a
round implants placed under the muscle can have a more natural
appearance than anatomical implants, which may appear somewhat elongated
in appearance in some women. Surface Almost
all implant membranes (bags) are a silicone elastomer shell with rubber
like characteristics. There are two types of outer surface:
smooth or textured.
persistent problem with breast implants is capsular contracture. A
textured surface implant helps prevent the capsule, which naturally
forms around the implant, from tightly squeezing the implant and thus
making it unacceptably hard. Because of the way scar tissue
forms around an implant, a textured surface is supposed to prevent scar
tissue fibres from laying down uniformly in a parallel fashion and thus
tightening up. Most
anatomical implants are textured because the implant is meant to have a
top and a bottom (it is tear drop shaped), a textured surface on the
implant causes the tissue to adhere to the implant enough to prevent its
free rotation. Without the texture, the implant could "flip,"
leaving the implant upside down and misshapen in appearance. While
this can be corrected manually or surgically, it is not an ideal
happening! One
problem that causes many surgeons to avoid textured implants is the
apparent increase in the chance of visible rippling compared with smooth
implants. The same characteristics of the textured surface that
cause the scar tissue to form irregularly around the textured implant
also cause it to appear rippled in appearance. Also, due to their
due to their thicker walls textured implants often have a less natural
and harder feel than smooth implants, and can appear unnaturally solid.
Smooth Wall Implants Smooth shell
implants are less likely to cause visible rippling (especially if placed
below the pectoral muscle) and are more natural to the touch because
they are made with thinner walls than textured, anatomical implants.
Also, unlike anatomical implants, round implants do not require texture
because they can rotate within the capsule and pocket without any change
in appearance. Given these
advantages and some controversy over whether textured implants
actually reduce the rate of contracture significantly enough to
warrant the potential disadvantages, many doctors prefer to use
smooth, round implants, usually placed under the muscle which is
also claimed to further reduce the incidence of capsular
One study found that in a natal woman an average of 189cc of saline was needed to change the size of a breast by one bra cup size:
The A to D finding seems rather small, but the overall finding that [roughly] every 200cc of implant size equated to a one cup increase seems accurate.
Although transsexual women generally prefer large implants (both in volume and breast width), unfortunately they often have insufficient existing breast tissue for adequate coverage of the desired size implant. If an unsuitably large implant is used then there will be an unnatural appearance with obvious implant give-away signs such as skin stretch marks (see below). Larger implants may also cause some pressure atrophy and thinning of muscle, subcutaneous fat and breast tissue or possibly even the ribs in the sub-muscular position.
With very large implants (800 cc and above), their weight and the effects of gravity cannot be ignored. Back pain is almost certain as a male type skeleton tries to deal with 2+ kg (5+ lbs) of weight added at a high and forward location, whilst the sheer weight of the implants will soon cause the breasts to sag and look far from satisfactory when not supported by a bra. Smaller implants avoid or reduce the problems associated with implants - capsules, sagging, stretching of the breast skin, even breast cancer. For example, the smaller the implant the less likely that problems with capsule contraction will occur - relatively more breast tissue covers a small implant and it will therefore feel softer, and any distortion and firmness from capsule formation will be less noticeable. When seeking breast augmentation, many transsexual women are faced with a conundrum as they typically have wide ribcage and relatively little natural breast tissue even after several years on hormones. Small implants can be almost undetectable even nude, but result in breasts that are still unsatisfactorily small and excessively separated, with insufficient outside curve to match the body outline. But going for large implants means obviously augmented breasts, and an increased risk of complications.
Post-Operatively Adjustable and Expander ImplantsSkin and other tissues when subjected to a gradual stretching force will not only stretch but will also actually grow and expand. There are now two alternative techniques that make use of this fact for breast augmentation: 1. Adjustable Implants: This method uses an adjustable saline implants that can be enlarged step-by-step after surgery by the injection of saline into it. 2. Tissue Expanders: This uses temporary tissue expanders (very similar to saline breast implants) that are later replaced by permanent long-term implants. Adjustable Implants
The procedure is relatively simple. The desired breast size is discussed prior to the operation, remembering that the maximum volume of which cannot be changed after the procedure without further surgery. The surgeon then inserts - in a deflated or largely deflated state - the appropriate implants, usually under the pectoral muscle. Breast expansion begins postoperatively after the implant has been placed. After the surgical incision has adequately healed (ordinarily about two to three weeks) the expander is gradually inflated in the surgeon's office through weekly injections of saline solution by way of a small needle placed through the skin. Over several months, the implant is slowly increased in volume by repeatedly injecting additional saline solution into the implant until the appropriate volume and symmetry is reached. For example, an implant in the range of 400 to 700 cc can be filled at the time of placement with about 120 to 300 cc, assuming the woman waits two weeks following surgery before beginning expansion and then inflates weekly with 100 cc, about seven weeks are required for full expansion.
Adjustable implants use what is known as a "remote filling port", a small button-like valve device placed beneath the skin adjacent to the expander and which is connected to the implant/expander by a small, soft tube. About 6 months after the original procedure another minor surgical procedure is performed to remove this rather noticeable device, but thus prevents any further adjustment.
Tissue Expanders
The procedure is initially the same as for adjustable implants. After the expander "fill" period - which may last 2-3 months - there is a settling-in and stretching period of up to six months during which no more saline is added. This second period allows time for the expander to stretch the skin and the breasts to develop a natural looking sag. To speed this process up, the expandable implants is often overfilled by between 100-150 cc compared to that needed for the target breast size. Eventually another procedure is undertaken to remove the temporary tissue expander implants and normal long-term implants (i.e. typically saline or silicone) are inserted into the pocket formed by the expanders. Like adjustable explants, tissue expanders (or simply "expanders") used to have a filling port. However removal of this remote filling port at the time of long term implant placement is difficult and requires an additional small incision, so most modern expanders have an integral filling port that consists of a metal lined pocket within the expander itself. The surgeon precisely locates the filling port prior to each injection so that damage to the expander does not occur. Removal of these expanders is thus greatly simplified when inserting the long-term implants, and no additional incisions are needed to remove the filling port.
Advantages of Adjustable's and Expander's
The final results are often absolutely outstanding, with incredibly natural looking large breasts. Indeed, some well-known shemale's have used them to achieve outrageous breast proportions. However, there are several disadvantages:
Another disadvantage of the adjustable/expandable procedure is that it is more expensive than other augmentation methods. This is particularly true if temporary tissue expanders are replaced by long-term implants since clearly two sets of implants are involved and two surgical procedures are performed. Implant Incision
(Nipple) Other disadvantages of this method are visible scars on the breast itself, more traumas during surgery and longer and more painful recovery in some cases than incisions in either the navel or armpit. However the incision is relatively small and there is a natural colour change where the areola changes to breast skin which usually hides the scar well. For most patients the incision eventually becomes hardly noticeable unless they have a tendency to scar badly. The areola approach is the only incision method that directly damages the breast tissue and is known to be more likely than to cause problems lactating and breast feeding than other methods.
(Breast fold)
(Armpit) This method is used primarily for those who don’t want scars on the breast and who don’t wish to have the surgery done through the navel. It has the disadvantage of being distant from the operative site, possibly making it difficult to visualize the site and control bleeding. While axillary scars usually can't be seen, there are nevertheless small and sometimes thickened scars in the armpits which may be quite noticeable when the arms are raised while wearing sleeveless clothing. Studies have also shown that there is a higher possibility of permanent loss of feeling in the nipples than other incision methods, and the method can also interfere with the nerves near the arm, resulting in numbness in the arms occurring temporarily or permanently.
(Navel) The procedure is illustrated below:
Insertion through the umbilicus makes it hard to position the implant accurately, and is even harder if it is submuscular rather than subglandular, it also puts significant stress on the implant with a risk of streching or damaging the envelope. Surgeons are not able to get as consistently good results this way as if they were working through an incision right on the breast. As positive, this method eliminates any scarring in the area of the breast (although unsightly scaring in the abdominal area can occassionally occur instead) and recovery can be much shorter because there are no stitches near the arms and breast, and less healing of scars and internal tissue that would be cut to pass an implant through the areola or inframammary area. Because of the difficulties in placement of the implant, the transumbilical method only makes sense if just small implants are required and avoiding any visual scaring of the breasts or armpits is a critical consideration, e.g. for young women seeking a modeling career. Perhaps the main risk is having to make a normal (i.e. periarealor or inframmary) breast incision if the TUBA placement does not work out, however it can be argued that that the possibility of having no scars at all was worth the try.
Selecting the Right Incision Method If the natural breast is small and perky (relatively common in transsexual women) the underarm transaxillary approach is often the optimum approach. It involves no incision on the breast, does not interfere with the breast tissue and can achieve a perfectly symmetrical result with only minimal and well concealed scarring - unless the woman is a dancer or for some other reason often has her arms in the air with the axillae exposed frequently. If you have had no previous breast augmentation surgery and avoiding any visible scars is very important, then the navel (transumbilical) method is an option, but it has the least consistent record as regards good placement of the implants and should only be done by surgeons who specialised in this technique. For women who have large areolae (relatively rare in transsexual women) the periaerolar incision is an attractive option which allows reliable implant placement, it can be used with any type and size of implant and is very versatile, allowing shaping of the breast tissue and muscle to form a natural shape around the implant. The incision made in the wrinkles of the brown skin round the areola generally heals with the only slightly visible scaring and is thus very popular. Finally, the inframammary incision allows good placement but leaves the most visible scaring except with pendulous breasts, it's best reserved for large and very large pre-filled implants. In general, the surgeon will make every effort to ensure that the incision (typically varying from 2 cm long for small unfilled saline implants to over 5 cm for large pre-filled silicone gel implants) is placed so that the resulting scars will be as inconspicuous as possible, given the women's circumstances and priorities. A big potential advantage of saline implants over silicone gel implants is small and well-hidden scars - saline implants are usually filled after insertion so the incisions will be just 2-3 cm in most cases, and insertion techniques such as the transumbilical method can inconspicuously locate these small scars if desired. At least 90 percent of all incisions, if properly closed, will result in an inconspicuous scar after maturation is complete - but unfortunately patients do differ in their healing characteristics and a very few may scar badly, and the possible scaring should be considered when selecting the implant method. E.g. If an ability to topless sunbath without showing off implant scars is important, then small implants via the transaxillary method may well be preferred over larger implants via the inframammary technique. Breast Implant Placement
Chest Wall Anatomy and the relationship to Breast Implant Placement Possible Placements There are four possible placements for breast implants, and all of them have very different with pros and cons:
Each placement is considered in more detail below:
(above the muscle)
When using this method surgeons recommend using silicone gel implants. Saline implants need to be avoided as they are water filled, and the implant does not feel or move like breast tissue - silicone implants are far better in this regard. Advantages of the technique are the simple (thus low cost) surgical procedure, ease of placement, and minimal post-op discomfort since only skin and fat have been cut. The approach also allows the insertion of oversize implants - ridiculous sizes being reached by some porn stars. This type of placement is also particularly successful for transwomen with tuberous breasts or other problems. A major disadvantage is that placing the implants often causes damage to the breast nipples, nerves, tissue and milk ducts. This is undesirable for cis women planning to breast feed one day. Also, if the breast tissue, skin, and subcutaneous tissue are too thin, their are substantial other disadvantages. These can include visually very obvious implants, damage to the mammary gland and breast tissue, marked interference with mammograms, clear visibility and feel of implant edges, visible and palpable rippling of the skin over the implants (especially with textured implants), a higher rate of capsule contracture, a high rate of later implant downward migration or "bottoming-out", and the high likelihood of eventual breast ptosis problems - which will be difficult to resolve.
(below the muscle)
The implants are usually inserted via an inframammary crease incision. Another option is to use a transaxillary incision - entering the space under the muscle where it lies closest to the skin in the anterior axillary fold under the armpit. This procedure minimises muscular damage and avoids any breast scaring. However, it is a more difficult technique to master, and the pre-filled implant size is limited to between 300 to 400cc’s, which may be insufficient for some transsexual women. It is thus far rarer. The many advantages of this approach are a protective cover for the implants, an excellent support structure s which avoids bottoms, a natural breast shape, lower capsule contracture risk, no ducts are damaged while placing the implants, and low mammography interference. It also less likely that the implants are visually obvious or can be felt in the breast. The submuscular placement is particularly recommended for slender patients and/or those with little existing breast tissue as it reduces the chances of rippling, which is when the edges of the implant fold and wrinkles of the breast implant can be seen through the skin. Post surgery, some muscle discomfort is inevitable until they stretch and the implants settle.
The dual plane placement is best considered as a hybrid between the submuscular and subglandular placements. The insertion involves placing the upper part of the implant under the pectoralis major muscle while allowing the lower part of the implant to sit directly under the breast tissue over the pectoral muscle. I.e., the lower half of the implant is not covered by muscle in this type of placement. The implants are usually inserted via a periareola incision or an inframammary crease incision. Most surgeons consider this insertion placement to result in the most natural looking appearance as the breast implant sits in an optimal position whilst its lower half adopts a rounded shape and fall as it's not constrained by overlaying muscles. Another advantage of dual plane placement is that it reduces damage to the milk ducts, nerves, and breast tissue. The many advantages of this approach are the relative ease of placement, a natural breast shape without visually obvious implants, no rippling of the implant surface, lowered capsule contracture risk, no ducts are damaged while placing the implants, and low mammography interference. As such it is the most commmon BA procedure - about 75% of breast augmentations by cis-woman are subpectoral. It works particularly well with anatomical (aka teardrop) shaped breast implants. However a problem is that the placement leaves the lower part of the implants supported only by the same weak skin tissues as subglandular implants, leading to the risk of later downward bottoming-out of the implants.
A subfacial placement with the implant placed under a
supporting fascia that covers it almost entirely.
The support fascia is an extension of the muscle envelope from the pectoralis muscles to the abdominal rectus muscles, and the finger shaped serratus anterior muscles to the sides. This stout collagen sheet slowly stretches after implant placement and provides reliable long-term internal bra-like support to prevent "bottoming-out". The placement combines most of the advantages of the subgalndular and submuscular placements. These include separating the implants from the mammary gland facilitating unobstructed mammography, a natural appearance with a soft transition from the flat of the upper chest wall to the round shape of the implant, much less visibility and feel of the implant edges, usually no rippling (except textured implants), and a low risk of capsule contracture. The procedure also causes little injury to the breast tissue during the surgical procedure which usually results in a more comfortable healing and recovery process, however the placement inevitably causes disruption to the muscle support fascia in order to create a space for the implants - with a resulring risk of complications. The biggest disadventage of this placments is that requires a very skilled surgeon with a very high degree of skill and experience, i.e. it's the most costly.
Advantages and Disadvantages:
Rippling - in women with little breast tissue, subpectoral or fully submuscular placement is likely to reduce the chances of visible rippling of the implant. This should be true regardless of the originating reason for the rippling (underfilling or textured surface, depending on the opinion held) because the implant is partially or fully covered by muscle, in addition to breast tissue. Mammography - although technology increasingly makes better breast imaging possible with and without implants, placement of the implant below the muscle is thought generally to improve mammography by making it less likely that the implant will prevent proper imaging of all of the breast tissue. Subglandular (or above muscle) placement, on the other hand, is thought to be more likely to interfere with imaging. While implants containing alternative fills such as soy or peanut oil have been experimented with due to their being radiolucent (they allow imaging to pass through the implant), none have been approved for use so the above muscle placement of the implant still causes some concern with regard to mammography.
Appearance - Initially, and especially with silicone implants, implants were predominantly placed above the muscle (subglandular). Most surgeons agree that where: (i) the woman has adequate breast tissue to disguise the implant, and (ii) there is no unfortunate rippling or contracture then above the muscle placement results in the most natural looking result because the implant is behind only the tissue itself, and the tissue that is being augmented takes on the augmented shape. It is also preferable for women who work out their upper body a lot as their muscles can contract implants that are behind the muscle into a distorted shape with an unusual appearance. However, for women with little to average breast tissue - which includes most transsexual women - under the muscle placement can help to avoid the "fake" look of implants that are apparent because they are closer to the surface.
Sagging - For fully submuscular placements, and to a degree subpectoral placement as well, the implant is better supported than in subglandular (above muscle) placement, resulting in less sagging (ptosis) of the augmented breast in the long term. However, if a woman already has substantial breast tissue then a submuscular or subpectoral placement can be a problem because the pectoralis muscle tends not to sag. But placement of the implant behind the muscle means that the implant is likely in high on the chest. The passage of time can result in the sagging of the existing breast tissue, which increasingly looks like separate tissue hanging from the firmer, higher mound of the implant. A mastopexy (breast lift) can become necessary to restore the appearance. Due to the factors listed above, most surgeons prefer under the muscle placement, whether subpectoral or fully submuscular, but again, the patient's physical characteristics will affect the decision as well as the surgeon's preference. Comparison of various implant positions:
The image below is from a clinic advertising their breast augmentation surgery:
2 of "Breast Augmentation"....
Last updated: 1 February, 2023